The Executive’s Folly

Who can resist the promise of power?

Challenges: Ciphers, Word Puzzles, Simple Addition

Enter the enigmatic world of Nicholas Grayson.

Once a renowned figure who disappeared mysteriously at the height of his power, he left behind unanswered questions and suspicion. As custodians of Mr. Grayson's memories, The Forsaken Archives invite you to uncover the truth within these memories.

Can you find the truth behind the man's disappearance, or will his secrets stay hidden behind locked drawers and sealed envelopes?

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Person in suit holding a decorative coin depicting an Eldritch being, text 'The Executive' at bottom

Room Capacity: 6 people

Length: 1 hour

Challenges: Ciphers, Word Puzzles, Simple Addition

Groups of 2: $45/person
Groups of 3-4: $35/person
Groups of 5+: $32/person

Please make your booking at least 2 hours in advance.

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